Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Storing up treasures

Another huge part of my life is church. My faith & God are the only reasons I'm here. Because of God, I have the blessed life I live, my husband, our child...I live every day doing what I can to say thank you and to 'pay Him back' so to speak.

My husband and I are the youth leaders at our church and sometimes working for the Kingdom of God feels SO incredibly unrewarding. I'm just being honest. Especially when you are working with kids. They don't know the sacrifices we make, how incredibly hard it is to plan and sometimes even pay for them to have an activity to do EVERY Friday night, and now with a baby, it's gotten even more difficult at times.  I'm in no way complaining, I'm sorry if it sounds like that. God knows my heart. We have grown to love these kids, really LOVE these kids. And if no one else sees what we're doing or even appreciates it, these kids do and God does. My reward isn't here on Earth, it's in Heaven. I'm storing up some treasures, y'all.

This past week, and a little bit of the week before, I've been baking cakes around the clock for a Valentine's fundraiser our youth group is having. We're selling cake balls by the dozen, in 3 different flavors: Red Velvet, Strawberry and Chocolate. The money from the sales will help send them to a Youth Convention at the end of April. We go with them every year and I still get excited  when I know it's getting close.

I'm the type of gal that has a hard time depending on other people to get things done. It's a good thing and a bad thing. I'm a real go-getter when I have my mind set to do something, but if I have any help offered, I wanna make sure they do it the way I would do it or that they do it, period.  Part of this fundraiser (the biggest part!!) is actually making the cake balls! Selling is fun, even somewhat "challenging" I guess, but....these cake balls ain't gonna make themselves! I've got about 14 cakes baked, cling and foil wrapped and put in freezer bags inside my freezer, not including the 13 cakes I've baked so far today....y'all, my feet hurt. Hahaha. Here's a preview of what my day and kitchen look like right now.


I've had that bad boy for about 4 years now and totally forgot about it. It will hold 3 cake mixes!!  

I decided a few years ago that I wanted to be more than the wife of the youth pastor, I wanted to be more than a filled seat in church, I wanted to be more and do more for His Kingdom. Even if it's just signing up to be a Nursery worker (which I did, lol) or joining the choir, or baking 100 cakes that will benefit someone else, I want to stay busy in His Kingdom.   I've heard the saying as long as I can remember that an idol mind is the devil's workshop.  1 Corinthians 15:58 says "Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of The Lord, knowing that your toil in not in vain in The Lord". 

So get busy!  Start bettering His Kingdom! Start storing up your treasures!! 

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